Bees in my Bonnet

"art for real people"

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

More FUN art tips!

Happy Wednesday Everybody!

As promised here a few more FUN artist trading card tips for you!


I have a basket of little images that I cut out when I’m watching TV or waiting in the car for a few minutes. It’s amazing what you can get done in a few minutes. I usually try and keep a pair of scissors and some magazines in my car for those precious few minutes I am waiting for one of my dear children. (copyright issues will be addressed later) That way I have some wonderful images all ready to go. I tend to put my “people” in one pile and all other images in another pile. Since I usually begin with a person (but not always!) I like to keep those separate.

ANYTHING can inspire you....just keep your eyes open and you will be surprised how many ideas are just waiting to jump into your brain!

Speaking of getting things done in a few minutes I'm reminded of a story our mother always told us!

This is a true story about a bus driver who had 5 minutes between the end of one of his shifts and before he began his second shift one. He just parked his bus and waited for those few minutes until his other shift began. One day as he was waiting he noticed he was parked beside an abandoned lot. He decided that he would spend those few minutes just "cleaning the lot up a bit". He only had 5 minutes a day so somedays he would move a few rocks and other days he would pull a few weeds.

In about a year he had built a beautiful park for all the neighborhood children!

I love that story and it is soo true!

Happy Happy day to you all!


Love Becky


Blogger Rose Garden Romantic said...

Oh, I'm so glad to see you are back in the blogging world! Thanks for the tips!

4:01 PM  
Blogger Bees in my Bonnet said...

Thank you sweetheart! I really appreciate you taking the time to leave me some encouraging words this morning! Love Becky

8:05 AM  

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